Thank you for considering Heavenly Kids Preschool for the 2020-2021 school year!
You can either download the forms and email them back to us at OR you can click this link, fill out the form, and we will email you all the forms to fill out and send in digitally.
Please take a look at what is required based on the age of your child:
2 and 3 year olds need to fill out the following forms:
- Preschool Enrollment Form
- Free/Reduced Lunch Form
4 year old (VPK Students) need to fill out and turn in the following forms:
- Child Certificate of Eligibility
- VPK Agreement Form
- Preschool Enrollment Form
- Free/Reduced Lunch Form
**If they will be staying full day please indicate that they need wrap around service by filling out page 1 in the VPK Agreement Form.**
School Aged Children (Before and After Care)- Thacker Avenue Elementary Student ONLY
- Before/After Care Enrollment
- Free/Reduced Lunch Form
Below you will find all forms and the supply list for students that are in the 2/3 year old and VPK category.
You may purchase uniforms at the Uniform Cottage in Downtown Kissimmee.